Sunday, 15 June 2014

Newmarket station to be repaired not demolished

The latest news is that the Station building will now be restored, not demolished. It seems like a miracle. Refer to the Flemington Association web page for more detailed information.

Find more old photos of Flemington at the Flemington Association web page under Heritage.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

The Wabi-sabi seat

As we move into winter we notice subtle changes to the weathered old railway sleeper seats; a beautiful transformation as moss and lichen begin to appear on the surface of the timbers. 

What has occurred is an example of the Japanese concept of Wabi-sabi: the aesthetic of things impermanent, weathered and imperfect.The moss and lichen enhance the aged, but still strong, red gum timbers; Nature's response to cooler temperatures and rain. Come summer and the patina will change.
I can no-longer contemplate any thought of removing these timbers and replacing them with new. We will have to incorporate the imperfect seat into our new seating design.
For an expansion on the concept of Wabi-sabi go to:

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Working bee 3rd June 2014

At least two of the regular Stationeers are away at the moment but we still mustered six volunteers this morning despite drizzling rain. After picking up bucket loads of rubbish and bottles and doing a little light weeding, the station embankment is looking much better. Thanks, Thomas, Ed, Marina, Ian and Roger.         
From the number of germinating weeds we pulled out today, we will need to concentrate on weeding plus some planting at the next working bee when the poplars have dropped all their leaves, exposing a few areas at the top. Anywhere that weeds germinate is suitable for selected ground covers- plants that don't mind total shade in summer but will out compete winter germinating weeds. We could relocate plants from under the station if needs be. meanwhile, I will do some propagating.
Ros Nataprawira
One of the autumn-winter bloomers